Settlement of EPS 95 pension through  Cabinet decision or budget provision

By email     22nd July 2024


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Sri  Narendra modi ji , honorable prime minister of India .

Sub : Settlement of pension of EPS 95 pensioners through  Cabinet decision or through budget provision of 2024-25 .

Respected sir ,

    We the EPS 1995 pensioners settled all over the country after service contribution for growth of the nation being not able to survive with the meager unliveable pension provided under the pension scheme without support of others again request your kind self that the sanction of liveable minimum pension linked of dearness alliance may kindly be got done by the cabinet decision taking into consideration the present cost of life for the life crises of pensioners taking budgetary support being presented on 23 rd july 2024 . 

We are tired of seeking grant of minimum pension from the honourable govt over the years with no relief as yet on one side and on other side stretching our hands to others for help for our survival.

How long our struggle should continue to touch your heart for our livelihood problem to be solved by liveable minimum pension linked of DA  is not understood.  

Is EPS 95  framed to cause the end of the pensioners by suffering with unliveable pension and not to be revived under any circumstances needs an answer.

So through budget provision of 2024-25 or by cabinet decision the minimum pension as being urged by pensioners may kindly be resolved to put an end for ongoing unrest among the pensioners.

With high regards,

Sincerely yours


National secretary, 

EPS 95 pensioners coordination committee, Bidar, 

Karnataka .

Ph  : 9632885896