A Genuine problem of Voter EPS 95 Pensioners

Eps 95 pensioners problems:

The only one unsoled problem in India is Eps 95 pensioners problem. Many problems are attended and solved to some or the other extent. But, the Eps 95 pensioners problem is untouched till today  inspite of the promises given by the administrators.

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E P F O is denying justice to the pensioners by citing supreme court proceedings in the pension case.
Pension is denied in spite of a high court order to give eligible pension within six months by referring to a non-existing stay order.
In Kannoor Keltron alone, 12 persons have been denied pension.

The high court had ordered in February 2020 to give pension proportionate to their salary to 88 persons including these twelve.

This judgement was delivered on a contempt of court case challenging the non-implementation of a judgement delivered in October 2018.
75 persons were given a pension.
Meanwhile, the legal wing of PFO instructed not to obey the high court judgement.
Following this, the remaining 12 persons were not given a pension. As they received communication to remit the arrears in proportion to actual salary, they remitted about four lakh each even by availing bank loans.
They again approached the high court last December. Again the court-ordered to pay pension proportionate to salary with arrears within six months.
Not only that the court order is not implemented, but several lakhs remitted by availing loan also is hanging in the air.


EPFO has not sanctioned eligible pension to anyone during the last year including those who remitted their instalments on the basis of actual salary.
They insist that pension can be given only on the basis of the 2014 order for which a written statement to that effect should be filed.
A nominal monthly pension will be given if such a statement is filed. But there is apprehension that eligible pension may be denied later.


Supreme Court has dismissed twice the EPFO appeal against high court orders in favour of petitions requesting pension on the basis of actual salary and even allowing retired persons to remit the arrears in a lump sum to get a full pension.

The central labour department again approached the Supreme Court with a curious argument that the implementation of court orders would thwart EPFO. When Supreme Court agreed to hear the plea, high court judgements, as well as the Supreme Court’s 2016 judgement in favour of full pension, are all being neglected by EPFO.

The division bench had asked the concerned to get ready for the continuous hearing of the case from 2021March 23 as delay would harm lakhs of persons.

Source: W.A.G

Hunger of Eps 95 Pensioner came out with this

Comment on the post “eps-95 pension latest news 2020 today in English”
Author: Kannan Ramanujam (IP address:,
Email: rkannan.lakshmi@gmail.com
URL:   Link given below this comment.
On seeing the details of getting the higher pension it is in doubt of achieving the higher Pension for those who are all going to live a shorter period in this world. So my final conclusion is that this matter will not be sorted out unless the CJI take some action against the policy of govt. But the looted amount of CRORES of rupees açcountability is still not given to SC. This clearly shows that in India politicians ministers only eligible for higher pension by swindling our money earned for so many years. Ok, sir. God will see this. Our karma is like this to suffer in this country. Thanks.Link here:
Government has to increase  Minimum Pension atleast without further delay.


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