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Violation of Human rights in respect of EPS 95 Pensioners

By email       15th  september 2024 


The honourable chairman,

National Human Rights commission Madhav Adhikar Bhavan Block -C 

GPO Complex  INA  New Delhi 


Mail id : 

fax  24651332.  

  Sub : Violation of human rights in respect of EPS employees – Reg.

Ref:  Diary No 5900 /IN/2019 

         Case / File No 461/90/0/2019

         on memorandum of  

         grievances letter dated

         21st  May 2019 followed by 

         subsequent  letters.  

Respected sir / madam , 

With most due respect to your kind self it is to submit that the complaint on pension grievances of EPS 1995 pensioners settled all over the country for the violation of human rights  – being a denial of economic rights viz : (1) right to adequate standard of living (2) right to social security (3) right to food and health  sent vide memorandum letter dated 19-5-2019 detailed, has been registered vide diary number and case number cited under reference. 

The pensioners being senior and very senior citizens victimised under the employees pension scheme 1995  have prayed the honourable national human rights commission for securing them a fair liveable  adequate minimum pension linked of dearness allowance.

But our pension grievances have not yet been resolved by the honourable central govt till now.  

The  EPS 1995 pensioners are provided of inadequate very meagre unliveable pension in the range of less than Rs 1000 and Rs 1000 at minimum and around about Rs 3500 at maximum to be continued in stagnant unrevised as the pension is determined on ceiling wages regardless of last drawn wages and unlinked of living cost index ( dearness allowance ) without the adequate minimum pension for a subscribed minimum pension so devised of it in the pension scheme defeated of it’s very purpose that does not meet the basic needs of basic life and other expenses at the present cost. 

In consequence the EPS 95 pensioners have been undergoing with unspeakable livelihood sufferings with sever economic insecurity and human indignity in pathetic, turmoil and dependency life with financial crises of income poverty of pension.

   While UNO celebrates 15th september as  world democratic day promoting establishment of peace, law and order, development with the protection of human rights strengthening the democratic system  the EPS 1995  pensioners are left totally uncared / neglected  of their basic needs and furthermore  unprotected of human rights in retirement life in our democratic country in contrast of all the better care being taken for the employees / pensioners of central govt  acceding to the demands time to time as done now that unified pension scheme ( U P S ) in place of N P S  is going to be operated from the year 2025 understanding the woes of them.

The EPS 95 pensioners  have worked day and night at the cost of normal sleep and health in about 186 types of industries / factories, boards, corporations covering major and minor, private  and public , state owned, central govt owned  across the country in various types including health, chemical hazardous, mines, cement, steel, state transport services, defence so on etc, etc contributing for the growth of the nation by their dedicated service.  

  Despite the unrest being exhibited by the EPS 1995 pensioners through peaceful protests / agitations with submission of countless memorandums to the honourable NDA govt against their pathetic, turmoil and dependency life all over the country inclusive of new Delhi many a times over the past 10 years, the matter has stood unresolved till now except just by giving the words of only assurance by the honourable minister of labour and employment, govt of india for the moment but without the execution of it  to the executive teams of pensioners associations as and when the protests of pensioners of thousands take place in New delhi coming from different places of the country for the injustice of meagre pension. 

So  Primarily and Fundamentally  the pensioners want  

1) a liveable minimum pension of Rs 9000 linked to living cost index ( Dearness allowance ) on present cost of life that runs into not less than Rs 10000 now on national average basis and

 2)  the pension determined on last drawn wages by unconditioned option with requisite contribution without discrimination among the EPS 95 pensioners divided for deprival of the benefit of higher pension on actual wages to pre 1-9-2014 pensioners on untenable reasons and allowing the benefit of it to the post 1-9-2014 pensioners by the EPFO illogically.

Therefore it is sincerely and humbly prayed once again to the national human rights commission to come to rescue the EPS 1995 pensioners among whom there are poor, very poor in majority , unsupportive and houseless too from their critical life by necessary advice to the honorable govt for immediate relief of the adequate liveable minimum pension linked of dearness allowance as prayed for for leading a decent life protected of socio economic security with human   dignity in order that human rights – economic rights that are now violated are restored to the EPS 1995 pensioners to live a normal life free of mental torture, financial crises that cause an early advancement of age with the feelings of life insecurity and untimely end of life in absence of a regular independent source of income in old age and financial insecurity, uncertain support and dependency  in independent family system of the day that runs in these days what it is taking place in lakhs under the employees pension scheme  1995  and being continued of it for the pensioners to be stayed in helpless position for uncertainty of life.

With high regards,  

Sincerely yours 

ShamRao. G,

National secretary, 

EPS 1995 pensioners coordination committee, 

Bidar, karnataka. 

Ph : 9632885896.


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